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Meinen-Areal, Bern

A new centre is being built in the Mattenhof district of Bern. Two building complexes with residential and commercial premises are planned on the Meinen site. The buildings, up to nine storeys high, are mainly flats, with one third for low-cost housing. A large part of the ground floor and part of the basement will be used for commercial activities.

185 flats, including 10 workshops, and approximately 2500 m² of commercial space

Planergemeinschaft GWJ AG; ASTOC AG


PAT BVG Personalvorsorgestiftung der Ärzte und Tierärzte


Halter Global Services


Land 6553 m², gross area of 25'240 m².

Construction volume

CHF 81.7 million

Completion date

Building South 2025, Building North 2026

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