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Secondary school building, Oberentfelden

To ensure education for future generations, Entfelden school needs more space. As part of the masterplan for the expansion of school space, the existing secondary school building is being extended and renovated with a two-storey extension. Instead of a conventional steel support structure with composite sheet metal ceilings, a hybrid support structure made of steel with timber-concrete composite ceilings is used. This allows a large number of added values to be generated within a cost-efficient solution, such as the careful use of sustainable material resources, an optimised construction process thanks to prefabrication and improved architectural fine-tuning.


as zwöi GmbH and Halter AG, Global Services


Kreisschule Entfelden


Halter AG, Global Services


Gross floor area approx. 11,100 m², building volume 23,000 m³

Construction volume

CHF 18,9 million

Completion date

June 2025



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